Thursday, March 19, 2015

Movies and the Impact of Images

chapter vi

  • Images have a powerful impact on us.
  • Images we see, stay with us for a long time.
  • Movies detach us from reality.
  • Movies' plots, engage us in the story.

Verticale Intergration:
  1. Production
  2. Distribution
  3. Exhibition

  • casting
  • art
  • set
  • makeup
  • controlled by studios 
  • scripting

  • from studio to audience.
  • produce ads to promote.
  • theaters 
  • cinemas 
  • DVDs
  • TV
    • pay per view
    • video on demand.

  • showing of the movie
  • start to show in theaters.
  • the cinema generate the most revenue
    • it consists of 12-18 screens.

Movie Producers:
  • account or 80-90% of box office revenue.
  • eg: fox and disney.

Film's Economic Division:
  • Synergy: the promotion and sale of a product throughout the varios subsidiaries pf a media conglomerate. 

Trends in Movie Making:
  • Concept films:
    • movies with a particular theme.
  • Audience research:
    • involving the audience before the movie is produced.
  • Sequels:
    • Pirates of the Caribbean, batman...etc.
  • Remakes:
    • The Lion King.
  • Franchises:
    • Harry Potter, James Bond.
  • Product placement:
    • intentionally advertising products in the movie.

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