Saturday, May 30, 2015

Theories and Effects of Mass Communication

In the media effects debate, these arguments for limited media influence have logical countries:

  • media content is make-believe; people know its not real.
  • media content is only play or entertainment.
  • media simply hold a mirror to society.
  • if media have any influence, it is only in reinforcing preexisting values and beliefs.
  • media influence only the unimportant things like fads and fashions.

Three dichotomies characterise the different sides in the effects debate:
  • micro- versus macro- level effects.
  •  administrative versus critical research.
  • transmission versus ritual perspective on communication. 

In understanding mass communication theory we must recognise that:

  • there is no one mass communication theory.
  • theories are often borrowed from other fields of science.
  • theories are human constructions and they are dynamic.

Developments in mass communication theory are driven by advances in technology or the introduction of new media, calls for their control and questions about their democratic and pluralistic use.

The four major eras or mass communication theory are mass society theory, limited effects theory, cultural theory, and the meaning making perspective. the latter two mark a return to the idea of powerful media effects.

Media literate individuals are themselves good mass communication theories. 

media consumed this week:
  • social media
  • instant messaging
  • newspapers

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