Saturday, May 30, 2015


advertising has been a part of commerce for centuries, but it became an industry in its own right with the coming of the american civil war and industrialisation.

Advertising suffer from a number of criticism it is:
  • deceptive.
  • intrusive.
  • it exploits children.
  • it demeans and corrupts culture.
Advertising is also considered beneficial:
  • it supports our economic system.
  • provides information to assist buying decisions.
  • supports our media system.
  • improves our standard of living.
Advertising agencies typically have these departments: administration, account management, creative, media, market research, PR.

There are different types of advertising:
  1. institutional or corporate.
  2.  trade or professional.
  3. retail.
  4. promotional retail.
  5. industrial.
  6. national consumer.
  7. direct marketing.
  8. public service. 
Regulation of advertising content is the responsibility of the Federal Trade Commission, which recognises that an ad can be false if it lies outright, does not tell the whole truth, or lies by implication. puffery, the entertaining little lie is permissible. 

There are several ways to measure an ad's effectiveness copy testing, consumer juries, forced exposure, recognition tests, recall testing, and awareness tests. 

The interaction of converging technologies and changes they drive in how, when and why people consume them is reshaping the economics and creativity of the advertising industry as well as its relationship with consumers.

reshaping of the industry has led to calls for better measure of effectiveness, such as engagement, return on investment and performance based advertising. 

Advertisers must also deal with consumers increasingly segmented not only by their media choices but also along demographic and psychographic lines. 

The advertising industry is increasingly globalised. 

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